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Dr. Steven Bacall



So about a month ago (hat tip Alex Berenson) a paper was published in some big shot journal in which the authors said things like this about the evil coronavirus that was surely going to kill us all and for which an amazing scientific achievement in the form of a new “vaccine” arrived pretty much overnight to save us from this fate. Let’s see what these kooks had to say:

“Viruses that replicate in the human respiratory mucosa without infecting systemically, including influenza A, SARS-CoV-2, endemic coronaviruses, RSV, and many other “common cold” viruses, cause significant mortality and morbidity and are important public health concerns. Because these viruses generally do not elicit complete and durable protective immunity by themselves, they have not to date been effectively controlled by licensed or experimental vaccines.”

“Until the emergence of COVID-19, influenza had for many decades been the deadliest vaccine-preventable viral respiratory disease, one for which only less than suboptimal vaccines are available. Surprisingly, little has changed with influenza vaccines since 1957 when they were first administered in US national vaccination programs. Over the years, influenza vaccines have never been able to elicit durable protective immunity against seasonal influenza virus strains, even against non-drifted strains.”

What these conspiracy kooks are saying is that after some 60 years of trying, we haven’t figured out how to make an effective vaccine against a respiratory virus. The reason for this seems to be due to an evolutionary deal between these types of pretty much harmless viruses and the human immune system whereby we let them do their thing because we have more important pathogens to attend to and to marshal the forces necessary to obliterate them; well the juice just ain't worth the squeeze. In other words, our immune system doesn't care enough about these pests to produce more than a very transient response to them. We do not expend the energy to "immunify" ourselves from the.

“As of 2022, after more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines, very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted. As pointed out decades ago, and still true today, the rates of effectiveness of our best approved influenza vaccines would be inadequate for licensure for most other vaccine-preventable diseases.”

“Even decades-long efforts to develop better, so-called “universal” influenza vaccines—vaccines that would create more broadly protective immunity, preferably lasting over longer time periods have not yet resulted in next-generation, broadly protective vaccines,”

“However, as variant SARS-CoV-2 strains have emerged, deficiencies in these vaccines reminiscent of influenza vaccines have become apparent. The vaccines for these two very different viruses have common characteristics: they elicit incomplete and short-lived protection against evolving virus variants that escape population immunity.”

“Considering that vaccine development and licensure is a long and complex process requiring years of preclinical and clinical safety and efficacy data, the limitations of influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines remind us that candidate vaccines for most other respiratory viruses have to date been insufficiently protective for consideration of licensure,”

“The immunologic “Faustian bargain” between tolerance versus infection control, which permits transient, moderated infection by respiratory agents of low or intermediate pathogenicity to restrain the destructive forces of an immune elimination response, may be problematic for vaccine control of respiratory viruses, not only in the local and systemic sensing of vaccine antigens but also in eliciting optimal immune responses.”

What these conspiracy kooks are saying is that after some 60 years of trying, we haven’t figured out how to make an effective vaccine against a respiratory virus. The reason for this seems to be due to an evolutionary deal between these types of pretty much harmless viruses and the human immune system whereby we let them do their thing because we have more important pathogens to attend to and to marshal the forces necessary to obliterate them; well the juice just ain't worth the squeeze. In other words, our immune system doesn't care enough about these pests to produce more than a very transient response to them. We do not expend the energy to "immunify" ourselves from them (the "Faustian bargain").

They also tell us that vaccine development is “a long and complex process requiring years of preclinical and clinical safety and efficacy data” and by inference, a vaccine created and approved in mere months could not possibly be “safe and effective”.

Now one would expect this type of misinformation to be published by say Sean Hannity, Elon Musk, Donald Trump; maybe Joe Rogan or even somebody like me. You know, crackpots. But as I often say, “It always sucks when the facts get in the way of a good story:

So everyone’s favorite liar, Anthony Fauci, co-authors a paper which is published mere days after he leaves his job in Washington, wherein he tells us we can’t figure out how to make a good vaccine to respiratory viruses; the ones we have wouldn’t pass muster today to be approved; and it doesn’t look like we’ll be able to figure this out because of hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of years, of evolution. Sweet.

This doesn’t SOUND like the same thing he told us for the better part of the last three years. Say, what ever did happen to that whole herd immunity thing"? Doesn't seem like any of the information in this paper would support the idea of herd immunity for a respiratory virus. Maybe the "science changed" during the first week of January. Whatever.

Have I told you nobody is coming to save you? Stop believing the "experts". It's your life, start acting like it.

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