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Dr. Steven Bacall


So everyone should buckle up for what will surely be a full-court press coming our way in the fall concerning the virus which must not be named; in particular the Omicron variant (more particularly BA.5) which is set to lay waste to the U.S. in such a way as to have our country remembered only in song and fable by future generations like say, Atlantis is today. Our government overlords, medical “experts” and talking head imbeciles will be on us like white on rice. GET BOOSTED!!! Here’s just a taste of the type of nonsense that awaits us:

This piece published in the “Health” section of the Washington Post Monday tells us (always my bolding) “Biden officials push to offer second booster shot to all adults” For you true believers out there you’ll be ecstatic to know the “Plan would make coronavirus shots available to millions more amid rising cases, hospitalizations…Biden administration officials want to make a second round of coronavirus booster shots available to all adults…Biden administration officials are developing a plan to allow all adults to receive a second coronavirus booster shot, pending federal agency sign-offs, as the White House and health experts seek to blunt a virus surge that has sent hospitalizations to their highest levels since March 3…Virus levels have risen across the country, fueled by ever-more-contagious omicron subvariants such as BA. 5 that evade some immune protections and have increased the risk of reinfections. Hospitalization and death levels are mounting…with about 38,000 people hospitalized with covid as of Sunday and an average daily death toll of 327 as of Monday.”

Whew, that’s a lot. As I have pointed out many times before, pay attention to the language. “Available, allow, receive” are MARKETING terms. Think those mailers you get daily telling you you’re “eligible” for some really cool credit card that’ll give you enough points to buy an electric car that’ll save the planet or some other such nonsense. Only "available" for a limited time! (By the way, from birth to death, electric cars are at least as polluting, if not more so, than gas-powered cars.) They’re SELLING you something here. It's even cloaked in religious dialect; you can "receive" a vaccine like you receive a religious rite. Pay attention.

So first, you’re “allowed” to get something, then the “virus surge” is the reason you SHOULD get it. By the way, as I pointed out in a few recent posts, the virus isn’t really “ever-more contagious” it has just found a way to evade your vaccinated immune system and that’s why we now have the increased “risk of reinfections”. WE’VE DONE THIS TO OURSELVES. And by the way again, as to the “mounting” hospitalizations and deaths, they currently stand at a daily rate of about 0.01% (one one-hundredth of one percent) for hospitalization and about 0.00009% (nine one hundred-thousandths of one percent) for death. Scary stuff…And for the love of all that’s holy, it’s COVID, NOT “covid”. I remember when “journalists” could actually spell and knew what an acronym was!!

“…administration officials are concerned by data that suggests immunity wanes within several months of the first booster shot. Swiftly expanding access to booster shots also would enable people who are boosted now to receive reformulated shots that target newer virus variants, when those become available, probably later this year. In addition, officials want to use vaccine doses that are reaching their expiration dates and would otherwise be discarded.”

It’s not a “suggestion”, it’s a mathematical fact. Your stupid booster will last maybe three months if you’re lucky, but in the meantime will damage your immune system even more than the first two shots. But hey, another new and improved booster is just around the corner so get in line now. And they’re telling you if you get your fourth shot now, you’ll need ANOTHER (reformulated) booster in the fall. They’re saying it OUT LOUD. I just don’t understand the thinking here. Remember when the first booster was suggested, it was after six months from your “fully vaccinated” status (and ONLY for the very compromised). Then it went to five months, now you’re “eligible” in just four months (Hey remember when some of us were warning about the “shot of the month club” and we were called…oh never mind.). And besides, we can’t let those expiring boosters go to waste…

“…it has the backing of White House coronavirus coordinator Ashish Jha and Anthony S. Fauci” Jha is a political ideologue hack and Fauci’s a lying idiot. But it’s good to know “Fauci said he’s ‘leaning’ toward allowing second booster shots for younger adults…‘we also need to allow people who are under 50 to get their second booster shot’” How lucky for younger adults, Tony might “allow” you to get the magic elixir for a FOURTH TIME in the last 18 months because the first three didn’t “protect” you from catching a cold in the first place. Now dance like a seal for the nice man and maybe he’ll throw you a fish. And let’s be clear; after two and a half years of the end of the world, the fatality rate for EVERYBODY in this country from a death “involving COVID-19” (which are deaths that are “confirmed or presumed COVID-19”), under the age of 50 is around 0.03%, or three one-hundredths of one percent at the absolute worst. Three one-hundredths of one percent?!? Yikes!! Ok, my sleeve’s rolled up, now where’s my fish?

In case you’re wondering, the “new” vax coming this fall will be “using reformulated vaccines specifically tailored to target the omicron subvariants.” Of course it’ll be based on some Omicron variant that no longer exists. And that’s assuming Omicron itself hasn’t been replaced by some completely different variant by then, so there’s that. Dog, meet tail.

In a shocking bit of fairness by the Washing Post, they do tell us that “Some outside experts have cautioned against a second booster shot for more Americans, however, saying there is scant data supporting the strategy.” and citing Dr. Paul Offit, who as I have told you before is probably the most pro-vaccine guy on the planet, saying he has “repeatedly criticized federal officials for what he characterized as booster mania…‘but a universal boosting strategy doesn’t make sense…At some level, we’re going to have to get used to mild illness and moderate illness as part of this virus — which is going to be with us for the rest of my life, the rest of my children’s lives, the rest of their children’s lives…As you continue to boost with the same ancestral strain, you lock yourself into that response,’ Offit said. ‘Should there ever be a virus that is truly resistant to protection against serious illness …you need to start all over again and give that vaccine.’” Guess what, if you read my previous posts on this topic, we may be locked into that response already. Good going.

And then there’s this: “But Ruth Link-Gelles, a CDC epidemiologist who leads the agency’s task force on vaccine effectiveness, said that while a fourth dose provides ‘substantial additional protection’ among those with frail immune systems and healthy adults over 50, it was ‘too early to draw conclusions’ about a fourth dose in the broader population…‘There is no U.S. data for people under 50’, CDC officials said.” No actual data? Hmm, you’d think someone in the administration might want to consider that…hahahahaha.

One last thing. As to the “substantial additional protection” for “healthy adults over 50” “According to preliminary unpublished CDC data presented to FDA’s vaccine advisory committee late last month, a fourth mRNA dose was 62 percent effective in preventing urgent care and emergency room visits among healthy adults older than 50 during omicron, when different subvariants were dominant. A fourth dose was 80 percent effective in preventing hospitalizations.”

First, this “research” is based on Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 which are all but gone now (remember, BA.5 is “ever more contagious”). Second, if you actually read the “unpublished CDC data” you’ll see

You’ll notice that out of a total of 18,703 unvaxxed people sampled, 1,960 were “CLI cases” “CLI” stands for “COVID-like illness” which is defined essentially as COVID or “related signs or symptoms” like “coughing, fever, dyspnea, vomiting or diarrhea” So they’re not even using only people who have actually tested positive for COVID. If you had a fever and diarrhea but no sign of COVID and ended up in the hospital for say dehydration, you may very well have been counted as a “CLI case”. That’s called SCIENCE!! But then you’ll notice that four months after “3 doses” when looking at 19,380 people they find 1,983 cases. So basically after four months the first booster is completely useless showing pretty much the exact same numbers as the unvaxxed. The “4 doses” (that’s the booster they’re pushing now and the numbers on which this report are based) number of only 192 “CLI cases” comes after only one week to two months after the second booster. That’s where the “62% Adjusted VE [vaccine efficacy]” comes from. Let’s see what the VE is after four months. Anyone want to bet? And notice that they’re using the “4 doses” number which is based on an ESTIMATE of adults over 50 years of age (only up to 2 months post-boost). Me luvem some goodly science! So please understand that when they throw around numbers like “62% and 80% effective” it is absolute and complete bullshit. Absolute and complete. But hey, here’s my 12 year old son for his booster, where’s my fish?

And if you do the math, you find a “CLI” rate in the unvaxxed of about 10% while the “CLI” rate amongst the “4 doses” group (again, up to only two months after booster number 2) of about 7.7%. That means if you got not one, not two, not three, but FOUR SHOTS within roughly 18 months, this official CDC data shows you’ve bought yourself less than 2.5% more protection vs. no shots at all ever. Sweet. As far as “A fourth dose was 80 percent effective in preventing hospitalizations.” the actual difference is even smaller. 6% for the unvaxxed, 6% for the thrice vaxxed, and 5.4% for the “4 doses” folks. So after four shots you’ve improved your odds of not ending up in the hospital from COVID (or maybe allergies, who knows) by a whopping six tenths of one percent…according to the CDC’s own “unpublished” data. I wonder why it’s “unpublished”. By the way, you know what this CDC data does not address at all? Deaths. I wonder why. Oh well. Hey, where IS my fish??




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