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Dr. Steven Bacall


So it appears that back in March, to no notice of the mainstream media, Pfizer completed the acquisition of a company called Arena Pharmaceuticals for 6.7 billion dollars (that’s a whole week’s worth of jabs). Not interesting unto itself; this sort of thing goes on all the time. But what’s interesting is we’re told Arena Pharmaceuticals is (my bold) “...a clinical stage company developing innovative potential therapies for the treatment of several immuno-inflammatory diseases…'We are excited to add the impressive experience and pipeline of Arena Pharmaceuticals to Pfizer’s Inflammation and Immunology therapeutic area, helping us further our purpose of developing breakthroughs to change the lives of those with immuno-inflammatory diseases’” And we’re told “Arena’s pipeline includes two development-stage cardiovascular assets” In what can only be considered a coincidence, reports surfaced last month that "Both Pfizer and Moderna are conducting clinical trials to determine if their COVID-19 vaccines could be contributing to possible cardiac issues." And "Both Pfizer and Moderna are launching clinical trials to track health issues — if any — in the years following a diagnosis of vaccine-associated heart problems in teens and young adults. (Can you say "softening the beaches"?) I smell a windfall! But wait a minute. Weren't we told, nay assured, nay scolded, that we KNEW these vaccines were SAFE? Why in the world would Pfizer and Moderna be tracking anything - we were told IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that these shots were SAFE for you , for me, for pregnant lady, for babies...for everybody. What's up with that?

In a press release announcing the agreement back in December of 2021, Pfizer stated “Proposed acquisition offers potentially new, differentiated best-in-class approach to address unmet need for a broader number of patients with immuno-inflammatory diseases…Expands innovative pipeline potentially enhancing growth through 2025 and beyond” As of the acquisition date, and in 25 years of operation, Arena seems to have brought only one product to market which is weight-loss drug. This of course is much better than Moderna (technically a “biotechnology company” which in its 10 year history had never developed anything to bring to market until they developed a new “vaccine” in a few months that has now been injected into hundreds of millions of people…made by a “biotechnology company”.

Anyway, when exactly did this “unmet need” begin? To be sure, auto-immune and inflammatory diseases have been steadily on the rise for decades due to our garbage lifestyles, but are we supposed to believe that Pfizer was aware of this “unmet need” for years but never developed their next big blockbuster drug to address this “unmet need” and the potential multi-billion market it represented? Only now did they decide they needed to acquire a company that’s been around for 25 years that “complements our capabilities and expertise in Inflammation and Immunology” We’re also told ““Utilizing Pfizer’s leading research and global development capabilities, we plan to accelerate the clinical development of etrasimod for patients with immuno-inflammatory diseases.” Oh, and in case you’re interested “Pfizer expects to finance the transaction with existing cash on hand.” As the Great One would say “A mere bag of shells.” (Google it) Thanks COVID!

Now as you know, I’m a data guy and certainly no conspiracy kook but let’s all remember this story in the coming years. If there’s a marked increase in “immuno-inflammatory diseases” for some unknown reason, at least Pfizer will be there to save the day. Maybe the government will even try to force you to take those new drugs…you know, for your own good.

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